1. Appetite is what you feel when a. The body physically reacts to the need to eat. b. You have systems in your body that ask yo
u to eat. c. You want to eat d. All of the above 2. When the amount of energy provided by the food eaten is equal to the amount of energy you spend, the result is a. A high basal metabolic rate (IMB). b. A low basal metabolic rate. c. Obesity. d. Energetic balance 3. A person is considered obese if he weighs to a. More than 20 percent above your recommended weight range. b. More than 15 percent above your recommended weight range. c. Between 10 and 20 percent of your recommended weight range. d. Less than 20 percent above your recommended weight range.
Explanation: 1.)When you feel hungry, Your body reacts because it is you needing the nutrients and protein and just the hunger to go away. Your body has systems that also control different things including your appetite.
2.) What you put in your body balances out when you exercise and burn the carbs and lose the calories.
3.) There is a borderline when it comes to obese. Obesity is the effect of eating way more than usual and not exercising and not getting blood pumping throughout your body regularly each day.