one way is to prove to yourself why you need to get that attitude, and then make sure you wont turn back in your process of changing your attitude. (you put your own situation here)
another way is to cry yourself to sleep at night until you're like, "something's gotta change"(again, put your own situation here for example)
The answer is D. Ignore threats from the cyberbully.
The best way to deal with cyberbullies is to just ignore them, do not respond to them as this is what they want, the attention, the glory. You should always tell an adult you trust for example your parents about any cyberbullying, you should not keep it to yourself as this can be dangerous. It would be sensible to save all the evidence but as far as this question goes the best answer is D.
abduction - ab-DUCK-shon
antagonistic pairs - an-TAG-an-iss-tic pay-rs
circumduction - sir-come-DUCK-shon
dorsiflexion - dawr-SI-FLECK-shon
eversion - ih-VER-jon
insertion - in-SER-shon
fascia - FASH-ee-uh
fasc-itis - FASH-ee-ahy-tis
fibromyalgia - fahy-broh-mahy-AL-juh
inversion - in-VER-shon
myocardium - my-oh-CAR-dahy-um
pronation - pro-NAY-shun
supination - soup-ih-NAY-shun
tendinitis - ten-din-AY-tuss
visceral muscle - VISS-er-uhl MUSS-uh
I would say hair, since puberty is when young teens start shaving their armpit and leg hair.