Answer:Hugo Weaving's character wears a Guy Fawkes mask. Remember, remember, the Fifth of November, the Gunpowder Treason and Plot.
Celebrated with fireworks as Guy Fawkes Day, this English holiday marks the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot, when Roman Catholics led by Robert Catesby tried to blow up Parliament, the king, and his family this day in 1605.
Viktor Petrovich Bryukhanov (Ukrainian: Віктор Петрович Брюханов, Russian: Виктор Петрович Брюханов) was the director of the Soviet Central Committee on nuclear energy in 1986.
The power of the Catholic Church in Europe was weakened
There was a tremendous lack of space is the answer. In the early city almost all of the open spaces, excluding those in the federal zone, were housing settings. Lack of transportation obligatory people to live close their place of service, occasionally in the same construction.
A United States foreign policy doctrine, adopted by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933, designed to improve relations with Latin America. A reaction to the exploitative dollar diplomacy of the early 1900s, the Good Neighbor policy encouraged interaction between the United States and Latin America as equals.