Hypovolemic shock is caused by severe blood and fluid loss, such as from traumatic bodily injury, which makes the heart unable to pump enough blood to the body, or severe anemia where there is not enough blood to carry oxygen through the body.Hypovolemic shock is caused when there isn't enough blood in your blood vessels to carry oxygen to your organs. This can be caused by severe blood loss, for example, from injuries. Your blood delivers oxygen and vital nutrients to your organs
You need to exercise to keep your body in shape and eat healthy to keep your heart and your bones healthy. Stress is always going to happen but what i do is exercise to keep things off my mind or listen to music. Moods will always change sad, happy, angry ect, but Keep your mind positive and your body healthy.
Good Luck ;)
well dont do it at all i donts see whats the oint in doing this stupid stuff i mean its all up to you and its your body u do u but YOLO .