<h2>Maslow's Interpretation of Esteem </h2>
Physical needs and emotional needs make up Maslow’s interpretation of esteem. As we know that we need things for our survival so physical needs are very necessary for a person and also for his self respect. Emotional needs also play very important role for the respect of a person. Human needs physical stuff for survival that he/she should live better life instead of begging and emotional needs like love, support and respect also matters a lot. Therefore, physical and emotional needs make esteem.
the extended family is not as close-knit as your 'direct' family members such as your parents or siblings or children who you know very well and spend a lot of time with and would generally share somewhat similar values however with extended family members, they have their own 'subunit' of the family that might operate differently and hold different values thus disputes might arise
Serum or seminal fluid is that fluid........
⇒ Five examples of gathering patients information?
1.) Scientific literature.
2.) Medical record information.
3.) Members of the health care team.
4.) The patient; through interview, observation, and physical examination.
5.) Family members or significant others that report and respond to interviews.
I hope that this helps you out. I know quite a lot about health and doctor questions. Good Luck!