Sarah Bush was born December 13, 1788 in Hardin County, Kentucky, the third daughter to Hannah Davis (1745–1835) and Christopher Bush (1735–1813). Christopher Bush was a slave patrol captain who was somewhat well-off financially and was described as "…a stirring, industrious man, and had a large family sons and daughters." The Bushes moved with their nine children to Elizabethtown, Kentucky when Sarah was two years old. As a child Sarah prided herself on her appearance and keeping up with the latest fashion. She had blue-gray eyes and was light complexioned. Sarah has been described as proud, energetic, hard-working, neat and possessing good sense.[1][2][3][4]. hope this helped! :)
Her brother, Isaac (1779–1827), sold Thomas Lincoln the Sinking Stream Farm.<span>[</span>
A story is a list of events going in a certain order leading to an outcome that most likely has a theme in the end.
C. an informative article about the lack of community centers nationwide
Explanation: the article would be an entertaining, informative and short way of showing people the necessity of having comunnity centers and the lack of such places. Not only it would help this center in particular, but it could help others distributed around the country.