Spyware is the most harmful virus.
It enters into someones computer as a spy and steals the ones personal information, data and other codes.
The correct option to the following question is option (D) may also be called TCP/IP gateways.
Commonly, Internet Protocol routers are referred to as the internet gateways because between the networks the routers use an IP address for routing the packets.
In the TCP/IP structure, the router works at several layers and also the router can select their path for the flow of the data because they know where is the other routers.
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing is basically an infrastructure to deliver various computing resources and services to the users online (via Internet). These resources include networks, applications, servers, databases, software, storage etc.
These services are mostly utilized by organizations for recovery and backup of data, using virtual hardware and other computing resources such as desktops, memory etc. Cloud computing is also used for developing software, for securing data by providing with access control and for storing bulk of data.
The benefits of cloud computing are as following:
Because of cloud computing the customers do not have to buy hardware or install software on their computer which might be very costly to maintain and update. Servers and data centers are provided by cloud service providers and experts are available for managing the services and resources.
These services are scalable and can be adjusted as per the users requirements.
Cloud computing offers a variety of protocols, tools, and access controls that improve security and protects confidential data, applications, and networks against security threats and attacks. It also provides with data backup, disaster recovery.