All of these choices are correct.
Cell cycle is the process of growth and division of cell. It comprises of interphase and mitosis. In interphase the cell grows, replicates its genomic content and prepares itself for division. In mitosis the division occurs.
Cell cycle is controlled by a group of kinases called as Cyclin dependent Kinases (CDKs). They act by phosphorylating their substrates. They are of various types like Cdk1, Cdk2, Cdk4 etc. They become active when they bind to a regulatory protein called cyclin. They are also of various types like Cyclin A, Cyclin B, Cyclin C etc. Level of cyclin and corresponding CDK increases and decreases according to the stage of cell cycle. For example in S phase of cell cycle concentration of cyclin A and E shoots up. CDK2 is able to bind to these cyclin molecules and hence it becomes active.
Cell cycle has major checkpoints where the condition of cell is analysed before it proceeds to the next stage of cycle. If any abnormality is detected, repair mechanism is activated or the cell is killed. Checkpoints do not allow cell cycle to proceed in damaged cells.
p53 is a tumor suppressor protein which can halt cell cycle when it detects some abnormality in cell. It usually acts in G1/S checkpoint (before the DNA replication starts in cell) and G2/M checkpoint (before the cell division begins). Hence, all of the above statements are true.
Exercise is the primary advice the coaches give to the athletes if they get a cold or any other infection. The main reason behind this advice is the fact that exercising strengthens the immunity of a person. When a person has an infection, the strengthening of the immune system will help his body to efficiently fight against the infectious pathogens. The blood circulation is increased which is involved in the enhancement of the acute immunity of the person.
Environmental scientists are using GPS ( It is effective but expensive) aerial monitoring (Quick but not the easiest), RFID tags, (mostly for long-term monitoring) and hidden cameras are used to study polar bear behavior without interruption to their environment.
Los materiales que se pueden imantar al estar cerca de un imán son los materiales Paramagnéticos, ya que en estos materiales los espines de los electrones se orientan en la misma dirección del campo magnético que le fue aplicado.