What are the options for this answer?
Answer: Avoid using non-Bluetooth-paired or unencrypted wireless computer peripherals.
Answer: Logical Point Blocking
Answer: You need a temporary variable to hold the value 3
So, aList[0] is 3 and aList[1] is 19, if it will be as it is you litteraly say to the compiler to change aList[0] to aList[1] at this moment aList[0] is 19 and aList[1] also is 19 and if you try to change aList[1] to aList[0] it will not change its value because they are the same.
You need temp variable to keep one of the values.
Because of the newly developed biometric technology, the FBI was able to
quickly identify two suspects.
The blurry photos released by the FBI after the bombing prompted
researchers to improve their early biometric software.
Because biometric technology was unavailable at the time, the Boston
Marathon bomber remains at large.
The Boston Marathon bombing made researchers aware of how biometric
technology is sometimes useless and ineffective.