In disproving the theory of spontaneous generation
An active site is a region that is present on an enzyme where the reactants or the substrate molecules we can say bind and experience a chemical reaction. The substrate is basically a reactant whose concentration is changing and that is converting into a product after binding at the active site of an enzyme
Intuit se ha comprometido durante una década a superar la neutralidad de carbono para impactar positivamente el planeta y crear un futuro mejor para todos. Utilizando nuestras métricas de huella de carbono de 2018 como base, nos comprometemos a reducir las emisiones de carbono 50 veces. Para lograr nuestro objetivo, debemos mirar más allá de nuestras propias operaciones y buscar soluciones para empleados, clientes, comunidades y socios.
That illegal subtances is Marijuana or cocaine i guess but i dont know if that is the right answee