Well all the data is in the hundreds. Suddenly the eighth person is added who has 700 more cards then everyone else. A - If the data went to the left, that means the eight person had less cards than everyone else. B - This is the answer because 800 is 700 greater than the rest of the data and further to the right of the number line C. The data would get LESS not more symmetrical by adding such a high outlier D. The data would become MORE not less spread by adding such a far outlier.
For the numbers 130, 142, 145, 145, 150, 163, 121 , we would have. Q1 = 1.5 and we would get Q3. So in my perspective the distribution is on the left, with the median on 7.8.b.
So the answer is
B.The data distribution will become skewed to the right.