The fight-or-flight response, also known as the acute stress response, refers to a physiological reaction that occurs in the presence of something that is terrifying, either mentally or physically. The response is triggered by the release of hormones that prepare your body to either stay and deal with a threat or to run away to safety.
The term 'fight-or-flight' represents the choices that our ancient ancestors had when faced with a danger in their environment. They could either fight or flee. In either case, the physiological and psychological response to stress prepares the body to react to the danger.
60 days
If in the course of operating a motor vehicle, an individual causes damages relating to personal injury or death, or damage of property worth more than $500, then a judgement is rendered against him. If he does not pay or satisfy the judgement rendered against him within "60 days", then his license and registration certificates along with all driving privileges will be suspended by the Transportation Cabinet.
The effects that can occur when commanders retain tactic
level decision-oriented CCIRs at the operational level in lieu of
decentralizing CCIRs associated with decentralized decision approval levels are
the following;
</span>The HQ’s focus will be shifted away from the
setting conditions
</span>The agility of the subordinates will slow down
</span>The reporting requirements will be added even if
it is unnecessary.
THE ANSWER IS: <span>revivalsRevivals were religious meetings that increased people's interest in religion. Religious revivals took place throughout the United States