Without the bill of rights ‘The 1st amendment’ people would
be denied:
The right to bear arms
The right to prevent soldiers from quartering in their home
without their consent
The right to protection against unreasonable searches and
seizures by police
The right to know their charges after arrest
The protection against excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment
The rights to live in a dictatorship free country
N/B: without the 1st amendment bad guys would not care
about the law any more
Denial refers to a defense mechanism in which an individual while facing a problem or reality avoids the situation by denying the existence of that problem or reality. Denial psychology is based on the understanding of denial as a coping mechanism and the way it affects our confrontation with the problem. As per the question, the family member uses denial as a coping mechanism in order to face reality which is death in this situation.
d. Little control over the either process or the outcome of the negotiation
Fact finder is a situation in which an individual tries to find out the real reason and truth's behind the case. It involves determining relationships in the situation and identifies realities in a particular case. A fact finder has little control over the negotiation and the outcome of the dispute.
Sovereignity means the supreme power or authority or could be a self-governing state. It also means that a state or a country has the full right and power of a government and is independent. It is a basic principle underlying the dominant Westphalian model of state foundation.
Yes it does because natural resources play a crucial role in deciding the shape and size of development in a country. The western countries are highly developed mainly due to profusion of minerals, vegetation, natural fishing harbours etc. Plenty of oil inside the earth in the Middle East and South America is major factor in economic development of countries of these regions. Countries free from frequent visits of natural disasters are likely to be more developed than those who face the fury of disasters much time a year. Bangladesh and Philippines are a case in point. The countries that are always beset by monsoon, floods and landslides face tough hurdles in building infrastructure and carrying out development. Factors like proximity to high mountains, deserts and wild forests hamper pace of development to a great extent.