But this rule rule is applicable only for double stranded DNA molecule. The possibility of Adenine=40% and Thymine=60% is only in single stranded DNA molecule. In the question, the DNA sample referred is a single stranded DNA. hope it helps :D
In a normal human karyotype, depending on the part of mitosis the cell is in, there are either 23 or 46.
Bacteria like E coli, streptococcus
Viruses like Influenza and HIV
Parasites like malaria
</span> All normal eggs from the mother have an X chromosome while usually half the sperm cells from the father have a Y (male) chromosome and the other half have an X (female) chromosome and it is therefore the father's sperm that dictates which gender the embryo will take.
If the egg is fertilized by a sperm with a Y chromosome then the embryo will be a genetic male due to XY chromosome combination.
<span>If the egg is fertilized by a sperm with an X chromosome then of course the embryo will be a genetic female due to XX chromosome combination.</span>
<h2>Pericardium </h2>
Pericardium is the fibrous tissue that surrounds the heart and the roots of the great blood vessels
The pericardium's outer coat is called the parietal pericardium which is tough and thickened, loosely cloaks the heart, and is attached to the central part of the diaphragm and the back of the breastbone
Its inner coat is called the visceral pericardium or epicardium which is double, with one layer closely adherent to the heart and the other lining the inner surface of the outer coat
The intervening space between these layers is filled with pericardial fluid
This small amount of fluid acts as a lubricant to allow normal heart movement within the chest