Yes it can because if you can keep your self feed and clean you will have a better life; but is you do not then you might become some one who is home less and then start eating bad things, like a lot of salty food and you cant really control it but if you have enough money you you can buy things you want and buy food to make food and that is why it will help to be financially stable.
yaay you can edit
त दास्यामि' इति) स तु मया वटदुः
शाखायां नीडं कार्यम) इत्युक्त्वा स्वकर्मव्यग्रोः अभवत् ।
बालः अवध
418 अधोलिखितं पद्यांशद्वयं पठित्वा प्रश्नानाम् उत्तराणि संस्कृतभाषायां लिखत
(अ) प्रियवाक्यप्रदानेन सर्वे तुष्यन्ति जन्तवः ।
तस्माद् तदेव वक्तव्यं वचने का दरिद्रता।।
(1) जन्तवः केन तुष्यन्ति?
(ii) कुत्र दरिद्रता न भवेत्?
(iii) 'दरिद्रता इत्यस्मिन् पदे विलोमपदं लिखत?
True stress can cause one to eat more than usual or may have the opposite effect and cause one to not eat.
Answer: Have a balanced diet
a dog
Dog owners tend to live longer and far better after a heart attack or stroke. Researchers found that there were 33% lesser chance of death to occur in a person who is the owner of a dog after a heart attack. Dogs tend to calm the humans.