Answer: C) the government makes all important
economic decisions.
<span>A centrally planned economy is an
economic system in which the government
makes all important economic decisions rather than leaving them to consumers and businesses.</span>
<span>In these type of economy, prices are
all controlled, the government sets plans, and the economy is handled by bureaucrats. </span>
B2B (Business to business) and B2C (Business to consumer)
There is CEO duality
What is a CEO duality
CEO duality refers to the situation when the CEO also holds the position of the chairman of the board.
The board of directors is basically designed to keep an eye on managers such as the CEO on the behalf of the shareholders. They design compensation contracts and hire and fire CEOs. The benefit of having a dual CEO in the firm is because he or she could work closely with the board to create value.
Christina in this sense is tryinb to bring more value to the firm and in ghe capacity of just the CEO her hands are tied. She probably wants more authority or power to do much more.
A person is considered unemployed if he / she does not have a job and has searched for a job within the last 4 weeks
Unemployment rate = (number of unemployed / labour force) x 100
To collect data on unemployment, The Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts a survey every month known as the Current Population Survey (CPS).
types of unemployment
structural unemployment is an unemployment that occurs as a result of changes in the economy. These changes can be as a result of changes in technology, polices or competition. Structural unemployment tends to be permanent.
The geologist lost his hob permanently due to increase in wages (polices)
Frictional unemployment: the period of time a person is unemployed from the period he leaves his current job and the time he gets another job. Eg. when a real estate agent who leaves a job in Texas and searches for a similar, higher-paying job in California.
Voluntary unemployment: e.g. worker at a fast-food restaurant who quits work and attends college.
Cyclical unemployment: it occurs as a result of fluctuations in the economy. Unemployment would be high in a downturn and low in a boom