When Carlos's grandfather migrated to the United States, he had completed six years of schooling and was an agricultural worker in California. Carlos's father completed high school and worked for twenty years as a clerk in a large state agency. Through the efforts of his father and grandfather, Carlos was able to graduate from college and medical school, and he now has a thriving medical practise in Southern California. Carlos's family exemplifies intergenerational mobility.
C - Mexico granted its norhter terrorities to the US. The US terrority now reached all the way to the Pacific Ocean in the west.
The Mexican American war resulted in the Treaty of Guadalupe and gave the US sovereignty over Texas and western terrorities.
On the morning of September 11, 2001 four different airliners were hi-jacked by members of Al-Queda. The first two planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were flown into the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. A third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, hit the western side of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. However, the fourth flight, United Flight 93, never reached its intended target as the crew and passegers on the plane fought against the hijackers. The plane crashed in a field in rural Pennsylvania. The actions of those on Flight 93 saved many lives.
A. authoritarian.
Authoritarian Parenting is a parenting style characterized by high demands and low responsiveness.
The Battle of Gettysburg is the most bloody battle during the Civil War in the United States, which occurred July 1–3, 1863 in the Adams County of Pennsylvania and is considered a watershed in the conflict. The Potomac Army of the Union withstood the attack of General Lee's North Virginia Army and inflicted damage on it, which made the continuation of the Gettysburg Campaign impossible.
In the three days of fighting, the North Virginia Army lost more than 20,000 people. Under Gettysburg, the Confederate generals died: Barksdale, Sems, Garnett, Armistead, Avery, Pender, Pettigrew and Marshall. Hood, Lawrence, Jones, Robertson and Anderson were injured. Captured by Camper, Archer and Fry.