the answer is b the Civil Rights leader
According to the Warrens, a student nurse was given the doll in 1970. They said that the doll behaved strangely, and that a psychic medium told the student that the doll was inhabited by the spirit of a deceased girl named "Annabelle"
ÙoÚ there
For example: 1) The the judicial laws and regulations should be updated in the gap of some years in order to prevent the flaws in those laws and regulations. 2) The rules related with the political sectors are also need improvements in order to prevent the core political corruption.
That is right, you would be using "peer" testimony.A man who gives peer testimony may not have ability in a specific field, but rather he or she likely has personal involvement with the current issue. In spite of the fact that peer testimony can without much of a stretch be tested, it can be a capable device in influencing a crowd of people, especially when conveyed or given by a very famous big name.
Federal Government > State Government
The rationale for this is that we live in a global world and need collective responses to global challenges. Instead of there being a Utah response and a Virginia response to the need for more STEM graduates, there should be a US response. Economies of scale also come into play. It can cost less and be more efficient to have resources centralized.
State Government > Federal Government
America was founded after a revolution rejected a strong central monarchy and America needs to continue to honor that by allowing citizens in Utah to have different approaches than Virginia. When convenient, the states can choose to collectively band together on issues like defense but that should be the exception and not the rule.