The answer is d., nervous tissue that promotes movement in the muscle tissue, triggers the brain on what muscle tissue needs to move, as in walking or lifting weights...
depende de que animal y de que especie pertenezca,si es un animal en peligro de extincion pues si reduciria y si no es de especie de peligro de extincion no reduciria porque se reproducirian facilemente
b. cell x because it has chloroplast.
~ B - Adding wood to a burning fire to increase the heat.
A is kind of like a reaction to negative feedback - it's too hot, so cooling down.
C is like turning the air conditioner off. It's cool enough.
B on the other hand adds something to the whole by reinforcing it. The fire is a metaphor for the writer's self-esteem, ego, good-feelingness, what-have-you.
Answer: B
Because Metal is a poor conductor of heat the inside of a plastic container is insulated and the ice cream will stay cooler longer