Judge at a court help meee please
The correct answers are:
1 - C: Who am I and what am I going to do with my future?
2 - B: CT Scan
1)_ To begin with, Erik Erikson was a german-american psychoanalyst known for his theory on psychological development of human beings in which he developed a concept called ''the identity crisis'' and ''the stages of psychosocial development''. In addition to that last one, the stage number 5, the period of the adolescence, Erikson called it <u><em>''Fidelity, Identity vs Role Confusion'' </em></u>and it establishes that the main questions a person asks himself is that: who is he, how he fits in and what should he do for the rest of his life. In that stage the person seeks for his own unique identity.
2)_ To begin with, a CT Scan or Computed Tomography Scan is the name given to technique that uses X-rays to produce images of a specific area of a scanned object and that allows the user to see inside that object. Moreover, <u><em>CT scanning of the head is typically used to detect tumors</em></u>.
stimulation of the reticular activating system makes us alert
basic rules
it has basic rule on which the democracy funtions