The computer will not work without software. Software also call programs are the instructions that tell the computer what to do and how o do it. ... The system software also called the operating system (OS) actually runs the computer. This software controls all the operations of the computer and its devices.
operating system software and application software
<span>Storage media are typically removable. This gives the user the ability to change out for a larger or newer piece of equipment if and when it is needed or the equipment fails. The device itself can be taken out of the medium (i.e., a caddie or some similar holding compartment.)</span>
40 terabytes = 40 × 10^12 × 8 bits.
So, if using the dedicated link, it will take 400 × 1012 × 8 / (10 ×109 ) = 320000 seconds = 3.7 days.
But with FedEx overnight delivery, you can guarantee the data arrives in one day, and it only costs you no more than $100.
I guess the correct answer is False
A wеb brοwsеr (cοmmοnly rеfеrrеd tο as a brοwsеr) is a sοftwarе applicatiοn fοr accеssing infοrmatiοn οn thе Wοrld Widе Wеb. Еach individual wеb pagе, imagе, and vidеο is idеntifiеd by a distinct URL, еnabling brοwsеrs tο rеtriеvе and display thеm οn thе usеr's dеvicе.