1. Describe two effects of insecticide use on the forest ecosystem other than the intended reduction of moths to protect the trees.
1. Insecticides when sprayed on a certain areas or spots can be blown by the wind to other areas or flow with rain water into nearby streams or local water bodies or seep through the soil into ground water. This is called indirect application or secondary poisoning,
2. Insecticides can affect the food chain because they reduce the biomass of primary consumers and there is is less food available to secondary consumers which eat poisoned plants or prey those who have been exposed to pesticides.
Insecticides can travel great distances through the environment and they can also flow with rain water into streams so fish can be directly or indirectly impacted by pesticides. The phenomenon of nutrient enrichment of aquatic bodies is known as eutrophication, which deteriorate the water quality leading to death of fish. Some long-term exposures cause abnormalities or mutations in developing fish larvae, while acute exposure can cause immediate fish die-offs. The liver, kidney, brain and gills of exposed fish are extremely vulnerable to chemical exposure.
We need to have sunlight because without it you wouldn’t be able to make anything else
I’m not to sure about this