There are three things to consider when our food is in the Temperature Danger Zone
- Food Types. We need to know the types of foods that are in Temperature Danger Zone, whether food with a high or low-temperature sensitivity.
- Storage time. The longer the storage time in a place that has a temperature, the more will affect the food content.
- The procedure for storage. The following is very influential because of the storage procedures are not carried out properly it will make the food rotten or not suitable for consumption.
<h2>Further explanation
Temperature Danger Zone is a temperature range where bacteria develop quickly and sometimes reach levels that can cause illness.
Temperature Danger Zone is between 4,50C-600C (400F-1400F) where bacteria can develop quickly. The fastest rate of bacterial development is at 370C (human temperature). Low temperatures can prevent bacteria from multiplying. At temperatures of 00C-4,50C (320F-400F) only a few bacteria can develop and at -180C-00C (00F-320F), bacteria cannot multiply or die. The best temperature for storing foodstuffs in a frozen state is at least -180C. In addition, bacteria will also die at temperatures above 600C (1400F) and the best temperature when cooking is between 740C-1000C (1650F-2120F). Because at that temperature almost all bacteria that cause disease die within a few minutes.
The food to be cooled must be at 1350F-700F for 2 hours and at 700F-410F for 4 hours. If it is going to be heated then it should be at 1650F for 15 seconds.
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Temperature Danger Zone
food storage procedures
Class: High School
Subject: health
Keywords: food, TDZ, bacteria