Determine whether the following arguments are inductive or deductive. If an argument is inductive, determine whether it is stron
g or weak. If it is deductive, determine whether it is valid or invalid. When a cook cannot recall the ingredients in a recipe, it is appropriate that she refresh her memory by consulting the recipe book. Similarly, when a student cannot recall the answers during a final exam, it is appropriate that she refresh her memory by consulting the textbook.
The argument is inductive because the main point of the argument or theory was presented later at the end of the argument, after opening the argument with anecdotal evidence or observations. However, no matter how true the premises may seem to be, the argument is weak, because the conclusion is false and does not really follow from the premises. Nothing in her premises suggests consulting her textbook during final exams is acceptable. Consulting textbook during exams is certainly a prohibited act, and as such, is not the best way to refresh her memory.