1. 2700 degrees. 450 rotations in on minute is 450(360) degrees per minute. If you divide this by 60 you get 2700.
2. 180 degrees. 4.3 rotations per minute is 4.3 times 360 degrees per minute. Multiply that times 5, and divide the answer by 360 and you get 21.5, which means he is 180 degrees from his starting point.
Not sure but you can figure it out.
Suppose that both planets are spherical. radius of Saturn =142984/2=71,492
Area of Jupiter = 4πr² ==>4π(71,492)² =6.4228 x 10^10
Area of Saturn ==>(6.4228 x 10^10)x(0.599) ==>3,84726 x 10^10
Radius of Saturn = 4πr² =3,84726 x 10^10==> r²=3,0219 x 10^10
and r √(,0219 x 10^10) = 174.000 km & D = 384,000 km
Wait if he worked 1 hour this question still makes no since
E. Each ticket costs $15 and Gina has to buy 5 tickets for her and her friends. $w is the total cost of 5 tickets that cost $15 each.