answer is allelic frequency. This is also the fraction
of a particular allele of a gene in the population. Allelic
frequency in a population of diploid individuals is calculated using the Hardy Weinberg equation
of p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1. Allelic frequency of all the alleles of the genes must add up to 1 (one).</span>
Mutations can occur before, during, and after mitosis and meiosis. If a mutation occurs in cells that will make gametes by meiosis or during meiosis itself, it can be passed on to offspring and contribute to genetic variability of the population
Answer: Humans and other organisms use the soil to decompose these waste materials into new materials.
<span>Many of the sensory and motor functions are controlled by the central nervous system and the brain. An example of this would be grabbing a hot pot from the stove. Your brain sends a signal to your hand to tell it to grab the pot. When you grab it your sensory nerves detect that the pot is hot and is burning your hand. The signal it sends back to the brain is one that there is pain and to release the pot.</span>
Plants produce fruit so that
animals will eat it, digest it, and spread the plant's seeds away
from the parent plant.