Follow the Four Noble Truths to enlightenment.
They have developed national pidgin languages.
The best example of how many pacific islands have adapted to a mix of different ethnic groups is that they have developed national pidgin languages.
This languages enable communication between this people of different ethnic groups.
A good example of this is the Melanesian Pidgin which is developed and spoken by Malaysians of different ethnic groups.
Indigenous languages:
Australian Aboriginal languages, Tasmanian languages, Torres Strait Island languages
With the routine pulled from day to day, it is natural for people to become increasingly stressed and have interpersonal coffins as a result. However, physical exercises can be great allies in combating these tensions. This is because when the person practicing physical exercises, it is releasing various substances into the bloodstream that increase the feeling of well being and pleasure. The main one is endorphins, the natural substance produced by the brain during and after exercise. Endorphin is considered a natural painkiller, reducing stress and anxiety, and relieving tensions that can provoke conflicts.