This would mean it is looking back to events or evidence that has already occurred rather than looking ahead for evidence to support a theory.
Fundamental attribution error
Due to the fundamental attribution error, people tend to have the belief that others do bad things due to the fact that they are not good people. This theory explains the tendency for us to judge other people harshly but when we are guilty of the same unethical behavior, we tend to want to easily get ourselves off the hook.
A country divided by water is island
South Africa's economical system is one of the most developed in the continent. ( in fact, the second after Namibia). The country had an amazing grow after 1994 and is trying to leave apartheid behind. Inflation was controlled, opportunities were equal, foreign capital was attracted.
As for trade partners, South Africa does businesses with Germany, China, Japan, the United States and Spain.
Over 45% of the electricity of Africa is generated in South Africa and an important sector is tourism. Cape Town is ranked as the first world destination.
However, unemployment rate is high ( more than 25%)
As far as literacy rate, in 2015, it was over 94%.