Commodity money is money whose value comes from a commodity of which it is made. Commodity money consists of objects having value or use in themselves (intrinsic value) as well as their value in buying goods.
Fiat money is a currency without intrinsic value that has been established as money, often by government regulation. Fiat money does not have use value.
complying with legal and social obligations
Every organisation runs its business to achieve the objectives of the business.
Further, the organisation seeks to work in an environment which is legally and socially free from any obligations.
The organisation which assumes too have greater citizenship roles automatically aligns the human resource management with the goal of complying with the legal and social obligations.
As with greater citizenship roles there comes greater diversity which helps to ensure the legal and social obligations.
See the answers below
Depreciation: when a valuable assets loses value over time
the decision she took was to reduce salvage value, increase depreciation expenses and decrease profit tax
. Is Choi’s rule an ethical violation, or is it a legitimate decision in computing depreciation?
Choi's choice of rule is unethical but there are companies in recent tines who employ the same method. It is not keeping with best practices. However, she can employ the recent accounting methods. disclosed if there are changes made.
3. How will Choi’s depreciation rule affect the profit margin of her business?
Her profit margin will increase almost by double
Answer: $88289.8
Here's the complete question:
As part of her retirement planning, Mrs. Campbell purchases an annuity that pays 9.5% compounded quarterly. If the quarterly payment is $3,500, how much will Mrs. Campbell have saved in 5 years?
The future value of an annuity will be calculated using the formula:
= A((1+r)^n)-1)/r
A = the annuity payment = 3500
r = the interest rate = 9.5% compounded quarterly = 9.5% / 4 = 0.095 / 4 = 0.2375
n = the number of time periods = 4 × 5 = 20
We then substitute the values and we will get:
= A((1+r)^n)-1)/r
= 3000 × (1.02375^20-1) / 0.02375
= $88289.8