d) Effective government cannot be run by politicians that base their public opinions on poll results.
Walter Lippmann, a political commentator noted for his criticisms of political issues and democracy, also notable for his publication titled "public opinion" opined that effective government cannot be run by politicians that base their public opinions by poll results.
emotional stability
Refers to the ability that a person has to remain stable and be balanced.Negative emotions are experienced by people that have high tendencies of neuroticism.
social referencing
Aaron uses the emotional display in his mother's face to judge the situation and went to the mother to pick him since she was all smiling. Aaron is demonstrating social referencing. Infant start using this from when they are about 8 months old.
I woulds make a fbook Couldnt say the word for brainly reasons group or a dcord about saving the planet one step at a time and invite loyal people that i trust to help me and if i see some trash somewhere pick it up and throw it away and leftovers i would microwave and go and feed the homeless people in the world who cannot afford the mfood money so they would have a full stomach because lets be honest who really eats left overs NOBODY they just sit in the fridge for a week until you see them and throw them out make a good use for it and feed people in need of the food!