The answer could be a pun??
When you have multiple that are all working together on a project or in conjunction on that same project, This would we be a great to implement CDM.
Its easy for one person to make a speedy decision on behalf of the entire team or group. This would only be acceptable if time was constricted or it did not really require a group as they would not be affected .
One of the great take always from CDM is that we are all different and have our own unique way of looking at how to solve problems. When we share a problem with a group then it becomes a much better well thought-out plan. This is more likely to be successful everyone involved as everyone was heard and ideas were spoken.
You should place commas around a phrase the at adds additional information to the sentence, but which is not necessary.
1)<span>Tanna president of the National Honor Society truly enjoys volunteer work.
this part is not necessary, so commas are required before and after it
2) The old house, that my father grew up in, is being completely renovated.
here the commas are unnecessary! that's because we need the information in boldface to identify the house
4) </span><span><span>My sister, who is a waitress at Billy’s Big Burger Shack, is sixteen years old.</span>
this is a correctly punctuated sentence - the information about being a waitress is additional.
5) The bird that built a nest in the oak tree, appears to have an injured wing.
here either the commas should be removed, or another comma added after "bird"
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While getting ready for bed, Carrie gave her dogs their medications.