It was very similar to life in ancient Sumer. There were four classes of people – priests, upper class, lower class, slaves, and a king. The rich nobles lived a life of luxury. The poor worked hard but were comfortable and well fed. Every family had their own home.
Diem started reforms that stripped power from the wealthy land owners. Diem began politics that were oppressive to Buddist. Diem ran as canidant in the Veilmater elections. Diem also started trading with nations like China.
Which action is considered a mandatory responsibility of US citizenship? The answer to this could be multiple things, such as: 1. It is mandatory that every citizen of the United States be law-abiding citizens and listen to local/county, state, and government authority.
The main economic activities for West Virginia included farming and fishing. Tobacco was the main cash crop that was grown in Jamestown which was in West Virginia colony.
This was because of their geographical positions.
Their geographical position favored a focus on military capability. Both Rome and China were militaristic states. Both were able to develop thanks to being shielded by their geographical position from the great powers in the east. Eventually they were able to gain powers over a large sector.