Analog computers only work with continuous numerical data in analog quantities, digital computers can process both non-numerical and numerical data and a hybrid computer is a combination of both analog and digital. A hybrid computer has the accuracy of a digital computer paired with speed of an analog one.
launches the RDP client.
The answers are: it is used to enable fast DNS queries and It can help reduce the amount of network traffic generated by DNS servers.
Because a DNS server can resolve a query from tis local data sends a recursive qyery to a root server.
Following are statement is given below
int k=1,total=0; // variable declaration
while(k<50) // iterating the while loop
total=total+k*k;// calculating the square
k=k+1; // increments the value of k by 1
Following are the description of Statement.
- Declared a variable "total" and "k" of the "integer " type initialized the total to 0 and "k" to 1.
- Iterating the while loop for less then 50 .In this loop, we calculating the sum of square of first 50 number in the "total" variable .
- After that increment the value of "k" variable by 1 to execute the loop less then 50 .
the sorting function is used to sort the elements in the array.
the sorting can be increasing or decreasing, depends on the function used.
let discuss the option:
a. sort()
this is the sorting function, it used to sort the array in ascending order.
b. arsort()
this is also sorting function, it used to sort the associated array in descending order according to the value.
d. asort()
this is also sorting function, it used to sort the associated array in ascending order according to the value.
c. rsort()
this is the sorting function, it used to sort the array in descending order.
Therefore, the correct answer is rsort().