Do you have a diagram or a picture??
Germany was destroyed, as was much of Europe. The British were losing their Empire after 50 years of war and world upheavals. Japan had expended their resources and manpower, and had their industry decimated by the US bombing campaign. For awhile, only the US had nuclear weapons. When combined with the military strength accumulated during the war, they looked like a dominant force. At least until spies revealed the secrets of nuclear weapons to the Soviets. This began the Cold War nuclear standoff between the US and the new Russian empire, a complex ideological battle between capitalism and communist totalitarianism.
a formal presentation of one person to another, in which each is told the other's name.
"he returned to his desk, leaving Michael to make the introductions"
Similar: establishment
Opposite: abolition
They felt that we were oppressing the indigenious peoples of conquered lands (which we were).
Religious tolerance in the current scenario is discussed below in details.
Religious toleration is citizens supporting other citizens to meditate or exercise other religions and faiths.
In a country with a state religion for example Arab countries where the state religion is Islam, toleration indicates that the government supports other religions to be there. Many nations in past centuries permitted other religions but only in isolation. This has become rare nowadays, religious toleration especially in Islam following states become very rare.