After being robbed at gunpoint at night, Chelsea is anxious and is afraid to leave her house after dark. Chelsea is experiencing symptoms of ___________.
<u>Hoplophobia</u> <em>is a specific phobia in which the person experiences an unusual, exacerbated and unfounded fear of weapons in general or specifically of firearms.
<em>As expected given the nature of this fear, hoplophobia carries with it a series of behavioral symptoms.</em> This behavioral symptomatology manifests itself through avoidance and escape behaviors, in this way they manage to avoid the anguish and anxiety generated by the situation.
<u><em>The answer is</em></u>: <u>Hoplophobia</u>.
Eczema is the most common inflammatory skin disease of childhood. Moderate to severe eczema can have a effect on the quality of life as well as the productivity of a person. Eczema is usually diagnosed on clinical grounds that would on a patients history, family history and as well as the skin rash appearance.
Our religious faith, values, beliefs, principles, and morals define<span> your </span>spirituality<span>. If you are a person engaged in the process of </span>spiritual<span>wellness, you are willing and able to transcend yourself in order to question the </span>meaning<span> and purpose in your life and the lives of others.</span>
c registered family child care center