When an American voter supports one party's candidates, he or she is said to be voting a STRAIGHT ticket.
1. The main conclusion of this argument is the increase in tractor-trailer rig accidents is due to driver inexperience.
2. The number of intermediate conclusions is one. They are first, graduates do not get enough hands-on training before receiving their driving certifications.
3. The number of basic reasons is Three. Firstly, There is a greater demand for truck drivers. Secondly, Driver training schools have shortened their courses, and lastly, Graduates do not get enough hands-on training.
4. The structure of the reasons for the main conclusion is linked.
- The Intermediate conclusion is the assertion that the remainder of the argument supports or that we are led to assume is true by the rest of the argument. The information provided in the second phrase serves to support this summarization of the first sentence's key idea.
- Linked premises also known as "connected" premises logically depend on one another and cooperate to establish a conclusion; in other words, they depend on one another. One of the dependent premises is frequently indicated by the argument's context rather than being stated directly. Enthymemes, or "hidden premises/assumptions," are what are known as these hidden premises.
Learn more about conclusions here:
Work much and much harder, to get up, their income. Because no one would like a horrible worker at their place, if you have hat, I would suggest you to start making good work for your boss.
Hope that this helps you..
I was awakened by a loud noise one night. I, Heather Greene, remained quiet for what seemed like forever trying to wrap my head around what could have made such a din. I couldn’t bring myself to go back to bed after hearing such a noise so I put on my house shoes, picked up my baseball bat and slowly headed towards the door.
the president lives in a mansion called the white house