The correct answer is A. I would select a magazine with the word "psychotherapy" in its title.
Psychotherapy is a form of treatment by a psychotherapist. Psychotherapy is concerned with psychosocial problems and psychiatric disorders. Individuals, couples and groups can be treated. Treatment consists of sessions with a psychotherapist in which the dialogue with the therapist is often the most important part. They talk about their topics in an effort to get to their deeper contexts, to understand them better, to accept them and sometimes to find suitable explanations or solutions.
Psychotherapy aims to achieve, restore, develop or maintain the quality of life of clients so that they can live a subjectively satisfied life, especially in personal, health, social and work aspects. The goal of psychotherapy is to achieve optimal personality development and removal or alleviation of mental or physical suffering of an individual.
a. systematic desensitization.
Systematic desensitization: In psychology, the term "systematic desensitization" is described as one of the 'behavioral techniques" that is being generally used by different psychologists to treat phobias, fear, and anxiety disorders.
A psychologist who uses systematic desensitization on his or her clients engages the client in a few relaxation exercises and then eventually expose the client to a distinct "anxiety-provoking stimulus" such as place, object, etc.
Goal: It is considered as one of the therapeutic interventions that help in eliminating anxiety or fearful situations.
In the question above, the given technique is known as systematic desensitization.
Answer: The correct answer: The periods of apostasy. The judges and the nation's the Israelites were delivered from
1.From the Mesopotamians ---------- Otoniel
2.from the Moabites ---------- Ehud
3.from the Philistines ---------- Samson
4.from the Canaanites ---------- Deborah
5. from the Midianites ----------- Gideon
6. from the Ammonites ----------- Jephtah
7. from the Philistines after forty years Samson ----------- Shamgar
In this example of research, Dr. O'Malley is obtaining informed consent from his participants as he openly told the participants to that their participation is completely voluntary and that they can stop taking part at any time. Dr. Quick is debriefing her participants.
Answer: Respect is the one of the lifespan of relationships. Once a relationship has both party respecting each other and putting each other into consideration the relationship would go a long way.
Respect is the one of the lifespan of relationships. Once a relationship has both party respecting each other and putting each other into consideration the relationship would go a long way. Most times what make people have problem in relationships of any kind is when the other person's choices in the relationship is not considered valid, this gives room for disagreement and end up not working together. Both part most respect each other rights and know they have a responsibility together in keeping the relationship if they envisage it lasting long.