In united States, the right to bear fire arms is protected under the 2nd amendment of the constitution.
The only situation where a person can legally be thrown out from a certain social setting is if that person is directly disrupt the activity in that group with the weapon.
From the passage above, the student who held the concealed weapon does not seems to actively do something that disrupt others. This make the class does not have any legal / solid ground to kept that student out.
C. A company in Maryland suing a man in California over a contract dispute.
Berton and colleagues (2006) found that the regulation of avoidance behavior in mice confronted by an aversive social target requires BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) from the: <u>B. vental tegmental area (VTA)</u>.
The vental tegmental area (VTA) is located in the midbrain, this section of the brain contanins different type of neurons. This area is in charge of the reward system, that has to do with the reinforcement behavior.
Justice O'Connor was on issues of race, religion, and abortion, and gay marriage