this is cheeeeeeeeeeemistry
Blending inheritance leads to the averaging out of every characteristic, which as the engineer Fleming Jenkin pointed out, would make natural selection impossible if blending were the mechanism of inheritance.
Proteins is used to build and repair cells.
Protein can be found in every living cell and it is very
important building block in the body. Protein supply amino acids which were
being used to create and repair cells, enzymes, red blood cells, antibodies and
tissues. In the body, protein functions by maintaining fluid balance and
transportation substances. Protein can be gotten from meat, dairy products, soyabeans,
nuts, beans and certain grains. However,
protein from meat and other animal products are known as complete protein.
upper gastrointestinal scan
Upper gastrointestinal series is the radiographic examination of upper gastrointestinal tract. Esophagus, stomach and then duodenum are visible on the X-ray film by the use of the liquid suspension which may be barium or water-soluble contrast.
Fluoroscopy is used during upper GI series. A continuous beam of X-ray rays is passed through body part and is transmitted to the monitor so that body part and the motion of it can be seen in every detail. <u>In upper GI series, the fluoroscopy allows radiologist to see movement of barium through esophagus, stomach, and duodenum as the person drinks.</u>
Estas células madre se encuentran en pequeñas cantidades en la mayoría de los tejidos adultos, como la médula ósea o la grasa. En comparación con las células madre embrionarias, las células madre adultas tienen una capacidad más limitada para generar diferentes células del cuerpo.