Investors are risk averse, which means that they are willing to invest in low risk projects or investments. In order for an investor to invest in a riskier project, he/she will expect to receive higher returns to compensate for the extra risk. US Treasury bonds are probably the safest investments in the world, that is why they yield the lowest interest rate. AAA bonds are less risky than BBB bonds, which in turn are less risky than CCC bonds. That is why AAA bonds yield a lower return than BBB bonds, and BBB bonds yield a lower return than CCC bonds.
a professional organization
A professional organization is formed to promote the growth of the profession and advance the interest of people working in that profession.
A professional organization is also known as a professional association. It facilitates communication and connection among its professionals. It supports innovations and creativity that help develop and grow the profession. Through their regular meeting, members of a profession share information on the trending issues, opportunities, and challenges affecting the profession.
<span>Joneen gave Sue a cartway claim to access her own property across a portion of Joneen's property. This type of easement allows an individual to access their property via another, privately owned parcel for the purposes of accessing landlocked property.</span>
Dividends per share by definition is how much did each share of the company receive in dividends.
You take the total dividend paid and divide by the number of outstanding shares
3.20 million / 4 million = dividends per share.
This action is only permitted if the customer returns the signed margin agreement promptly. Since a margin agreement is an agreement between a brokerage and a client governing a margin account and allows the client to borrow from the brokerage in order to buy securities. Without agreeing to all the details in this contract the individual cannot trade on a margin account or borrow money.