Ans. Bond A =$20,800; Bond B =$55,125; Bond C =$69,068.29
Hello, First, we have to find the price of the bond, or in other words what is the percentage of its nominal rate that will match its face value, that is , for bond A (zero coupon, yield=4%, 1 year) $20,000, for bond B (zero coupon, yield=5%, 2 years) $50,000, and bond C (coupon=6%, yield=5.5%, 3 year) $70,000. The equation is as follows.

For the first 2 bonds, the math is as follows

For Bond C, remember that this is a coupon bond so we have to find the present value of this instrument by using the following equation.

So, the amount in Bond value for each one that will match each debt is:
Bond A = 20000/0.961538462=$20,800
Bond B = 50000/0.907029478=$55,125
Bond C = 70000/1.013489667=$69,068.29
Best of luck.