A cell that results from the fusion of sperm and ovum is called a zygote. The process of fusion of sperm and ovum is called fertilization.
The flower would have adapted to allow the hummingbird to better pollinate it. I believe this to be true because it follows the process of adaptation.
Differences of chilopoda and diplopoda are above .
I have identified <em>Escherichia coli </em>and<em> Bacillus sp.</em>
I obtained my sample from soil, in a park near my house. The common bacteria on soil are gram positive and gram negative.
I found rods, and some are gram positive and long. They others are gram negative and very small and short.
The color of the gram positive is a dark blue, almost purple, and they are big and abundant, they are almost in lines, so I think they are a species of <em>Bacillus.</em>
The gram negative bacteria are extremely small and they look hot pink. They are very probably enterobacteria, and the most common enterobacteria is <em>Escherichia coli</em>. They do not have a particular order of arrangement.