Animals at the top of the food chain are too hard to be caught and eaten, while plants and smaller animals are eaten easily.
The populations become adapted to different environments and eventually become so different that they cannot interbreed to produce fertile offspring.
Speciation is the evolution of one species into two different kinds, and when they become isolated, that is the final step, since they cannot interbreed any longer.
1. They keep casts to preserve the real fossils.
2. Maybe someone would steal a fossil and sell it on the dark web?
3. They keep casts to keep the real fossils in prime condition, by that I mean like undamaged.
The answer is 30 to 80 percent its in google
They are considered to have originated from cyanobacteria through endosymbiosis—when a eukaryotic cell engulfed a photosynthesizing cyanobacterium that became a permanent resident in the cell