The answer to the question: If both the president and the vice president can no longer serve, then which branch of government is the next executive? is:
- <u>The Congress</u>.
In reality, the question is a little bit captious, in order, when the president can't realize his activities, the twenty-fifth amendment says that <em>the vice president must be the new president and next the Congress must select the person who will be the new vice president preventing the far possible exit of the recent president</em>, but in a case that the president and the vice president be disabled of their functions for any reason, securely the Congress would be the executive supported by the House of Representatives based in the twenty amendment until they select a person that be the new president.
When an adolescent's newly sophisticated metacognitive capability causes him or her to become self-absorbed and believe that the world is focused on only him or her, this is called <u>b) adolescent egocentrism</u>.
Adolescent egocentrism is the term used by psychologist to describe the incapability of young people to differentiate between their perception of what people think about them and what others actually think in reality.
The adolescent egocentrism concept was expressed by the psychologist David Elkind. Adolescent egocentrism is found in children of age 10-14 years. They always think about what others will think about them. The young people consider themselves as center of attention and never focus on others views.
As students of history in the 21st century, we have many comprehensive resources pertaining to the First World War that are readily available for study purposes. The origin of these primary, secondary and fictional sources affect the credibility, perspective and factual information resulting in varying strengths and weaknesses of these sources. These sources include propaganda, photographs, newspapers, journals, books, magazine articles and letters. These compilations allow individuals to better understand the facts, feeling and context of the home front and battlefield of World War One.
Autobiographies, diaries, letters, official records, photographs and poems are examples of primary sources from World War One. The two primary sources…show more content…
Wilfred Owen asks where are the “…passing-bells for these who die as cattle?” The author of “Anthem for Doomed Youth” leads his reader through his personal struggle and frustration of war. Owen has an abrasive approach when describing the death all around him and clearly expresses his anger with the “hasty orisons” for the dead. He speaks directly of battlefront in the first octet and then includes the home front in the second half of his sonnet. Owen’s purpose is not a commemoration of fallen soldiers. Rather, he divulges the disgust and disappointment of war. Like McCrae, Wilfred Owen paints a picture of the multitude of deaths. Back at the home front, “…each slow dusk a drawing-down of blinds.” We can construe that the author is not simply talking about preparing for bed in the evening, but rather lowering the blinds in a room where yet another dead soldier lies, as an indication to the community and out of respect for the soldier. There is a lack of “passing-bells for these who die as cattle….no prayers nor bells; Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs.” Owen writes as though he feels that there is indifference among the death of his fellow soldiers. The poem, “In Flanders Fields,” is impregnated with imagery. “This poem was literally born of fire and blood during the hottest phase of the second battle of Ypres.” John McCrae had just lost his very close