Anita's father is displaying benevolent sexism.
Benevolent sexism comes in the form of affectionate and patronizing behaviors. In other words, it may seem that the man's intention in to protect women. His behavior is initially perceived as natural and acceptable. However, it still expresses a form of dominance, but in a more concealed manner. Disguised as concern and protection, this type of sexism still prevents women from being and acting freely. Their choices are still limited; their rights are still undermined.
The result was the 12th Amendment, approved in Congress on December 9, 1803, and ratified on June 15, 1804, in time for the new process to be in place for the 1804 election, With the 12th, Electors are directed to vote for a President and for a Vice President rather than for two choices for President.
Answer: The benefits of workplace design and risk assessment
The primary responsibility of scientist is to make honest and ethical presentation of data for making Environment laws because transparency in the data would help to determine the better strategies for Environment protection however narrow data standards or biased data who represent the interests of certain communities could lead to challenges and uncertainties in the form of Causalities which could produce crucial results.
This describes the change in energy-use and demand patterns in accordance to the variations in economic status of the household. the lower the income of the households, the more they rely on biomass fuels, such as wood and dung