not nessesarily, psychopaths still care about their life, they can still feel pain and sadness. overall, being a psychopath wouldnt be a better life because you would never learn from your mistakes, and blaming all the people around you will make them not like you, and psychopaths can feel lonely too
d. "To prevent nutrient overdoses" is not a function of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is part of the system of nutrition recommendations which is the Dietary Reference Intake. The RDA considers the daily dietary intake level of a nutrient considered sufficient, so its function is to meet nutritional needs, to reduce risk of disease and to prevent nutrient deficiencies. However, to prevent nutrient overdoses RDA is not the right one to use. In that case Tolerable upper intake levels (UL) is the correct is the correct reference value to avoid excessive intake of nutrients. For example, vitamin A can be harmful in excesive amounts.
Prostate cancer does not usually display symptoms within its early stages of development- in early stages it's deemed as asymptomatic. This type of cancer grows very slowly and is usually limited to the region of the prostate gland=and some cancer types require no or minimal treatment while others grow and spread aggressively.
In later stages prostate cancer symptoms include bone pain, erectile dysfunction, pelvic discomfort, trouble with urination and blood found in the semen. men are at higher risk for prostate cancer development as they age, if they have a family history of prostate cancer or if they are obese.
Learn more about cancer from