The correct answer is d Bill"s plasma contain B antibodies
As Bill"s plasma contain B antibodies that"s why his blood cells do not aggutinate when mixed with anti B serum.
A reduction in taxes will leave more disposable income and cause consumption and savings to increase,
I think it will help you
The answerrrrrrrrrrrrrr is <span>phototrophism
Plants use electric fields to communicate with bees, scientists have learned.
Bumblebees are able to find and decipher weak electric signals emitted by flowers, according to the study.
Tests revealed that bees can distinguish between different floral fields, as if they were petal colours. The electric signals may also let the insects know if another bee has recently visited a flower.
How bees detect the fields is unknown, but the researchers suspect the electrostatic force might make their hair bristle. A similar hair-raising effect is seen when placing one's head close to an old-style TV screen.
Flowers were already known to use bright colours, patterns and enticing scents to attract pollinators.