True! because without gravity the spacecraft wouldn't go where there wanted it, in the time that they wanted it
P generation
The first two individuals that mate in a genetic cross is called the Parental generation or P generation. This is one of the terms used by Gregor Mendel, the father of modern genetics. P generation refers to the passing of genes or traits of the first set of parents crossed to the offspring. Their offspring are called the first filial generation or F1 Generation.
-When glucose breaks down into ATP, a large amount of the energy is stored as electron on special molecules (the electron carriers). When an empty electron carrier accepts a pair of electrons, it is reduced; when it gives those electrons up later on, it is oxidized.
-NAD+ and FAD; also the two most common electron carriers in the body. NAD+ can accept a pair of electrons (and a hydrogen ion) to become NADH.