True because they made 20 to 40 dollars which was a lot
back then
An ancient community: There was already an indigenous Jewish population in Palestine during the Ottoman Empire and before. Its members were concentrated principally in the holy cities of Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias and Hebron. Nonetheless, the Jewish presence in Palestine, prior to the establishment of the State of Israel, had fluctuated through time, with various communities appearing and disappearing. Regardless, in 1880, before immigration began, Palestine’s Jewish population numbered about 25,000, and had been deeply rooted there for several generations.
The beginning of Zionism and immigration: The beginning of modern, national-minded Jewish immigration coincides with the foundation of the modern Zionist movement. Zionism as a political movement is conventionally dated to 1882. Small groups of Jews dispersed through Europe began to cooperate to establish agricultural colonies in historical Palestine. These groups met officially for the first time in 1897, for the first Zionist conference, in Basel, Switzerland.
The first congress took place at Capenters' Hall Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on September 5 to October26,1774. It happened because the people wanted to respond to the growing problems between the colonies and the Intolerable Acts created by the British Parliment. This congress included the 13 representatives of the colonies except Georgia. Some of the people that wee there were George Washington, Patrick Henry, John Adams, Samuel Adams and John Jay. The reason for this continental congress was unifying colonies and colonists against the Coercive Act too.