The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that lies in front of the windpipe (trachea), just below the voice box. The parathyroid glands are four tiny glands located behind the thyroid gland. The parathyroid glands produce a substance (parathyroid hormone) that helps control the amount of calcium in the blood.
Polyoma vaccine does the Polyomavirus. It’s recommend that parrots get this vaccine yearly.
Osmosis and diffusion are both forms of passive transport because they require no energy. Gummy Bears are made up of gelatin, starch and sugar. The gelatin acts like a semi-permeable membrane. Inside the membrane the gummy bear is full of starch and sugar (mostly sugar).
Force: Newton
Height: I don't know, sorry
Work: Joule
Mass: Kilogram
Energy: Joule
1l carry blood from tissue of the body to the heart
2) are usually found closer beneath the skin
3) are less muscular then arteries
4) collapse if blood flow stops
1) carry blood back away from the heart to the tissue of the body.
2) found deeper within the body
3) are more muscular then veins
4) would generally remain open even if blood stops because of it's muscular structure.